Hydra Tohaa
Hydra Tohaa
Mission control:
++XO Hylas, your personnel has been task with tracking down and fending off a trespasser on our military harbour. (-> https://wotan.warconsole.com/battles/hydra-vs-macue_topschnur-1496665982 )
We have interrogated the leader of the alien invaders, but our effords have come to a dead end. What we have learned is, that the Tohaa have a secret operation running on a yet to be determined asteroid. That operation is led by a high ranking member of the Tohaa society and we assume, that, being in possession of such a valuable member, would bring a fresh impuls to our inquiries.++
XO Hylas:
++So, in short terms, you want us to raid that asteriod, find the Tohaa and bring it back?++
Mission Control:
++Yes. To determine which of the aliens is the actual target, you have to access the security system of the compound. We have developed an algorythm that should quickly pick out and asign the subject in question.++
++XO Hylas, your personnel has been task with tracking down and fending off a trespasser on our military harbour. (-> https://wotan.warconsole.com/battles/hydra-vs-macue_topschnur-1496665982 )
We have interrogated the leader of the alien invaders, but our effords have come to a dead end. What we have learned is, that the Tohaa have a secret operation running on a yet to be determined asteroid. That operation is led by a high ranking member of the Tohaa society and we assume, that, being in possession of such a valuable member, would bring a fresh impuls to our inquiries.++
XO Hylas:
++So, in short terms, you want us to raid that asteriod, find the Tohaa and bring it back?++
Mission Control:
++Yes. To determine which of the aliens is the actual target, you have to access the security system of the compound. We have developed an algorythm that should quickly pick out and asign the subject in question.++
MIssion Control:++Ofcause not. But keep an eye on her. A capture through by the Tohaa would commpromise our own effords.
Good hunt, Mr. Hylas!++
Good hunt, Mr. Hylas!++
"Okay People! Listen up! He have to get that Tohaa lady and bring her back alive! So, watch your shots!
Mission Control has send us the designation of our little trip and guess what! We know that place!
Mission Control has send us the designation of our little trip and guess what! We know that place!

here ist the plan: Mr. Null and Spektr, you take that left flank
console. You will get cover from the Jaguar in your rear! After that you
head for the target. Mr. Nol! You keep em busy with your little friends
on the right flank!
You, Moran, and the Lunokhod, you keep our Carographer clear of any trouble. We will support Mr. Null and Pnevma from back here! As soon as we get the intel of whom these cabbage heads is the one, all focus on that one! Bring me that smexy artichoke!"
You, Moran, and the Lunokhod, you keep our Carographer clear of any trouble. We will support Mr. Null and Pnevma from back here! As soon as we get the intel of whom these cabbage heads is the one, all focus on that one! Bring me that smexy artichoke!"

++The Mission was CAPTURE AND PROTECT++
»»Have Connected an Energy Console (1 Objective Point). H-Logs 1, Tohaa 1
»» Have Captured the Enemy Beacon at the end of the Game
(4 Objective Points). H-Logs -, Tohaa -
»» Have the Captured the Enemy Beacon in your own Deployment
Zone at the end of the Game (1 Objective Point). H-Logs -,Tohaa -
»»The enemy has not Captured your Beacon the end of the
game (3 Objective Points). H-Logs 3, Tohaa 3
H-logs 1, Tohaa -
H-Logs 5, Tohaa 4
»»Have Connected an Energy Console (1 Objective Point). H-Logs 1, Tohaa 1
»» Have Captured the Enemy Beacon at the end of the Game
(4 Objective Points). H-Logs -, Tohaa -
»» Have the Captured the Enemy Beacon in your own Deployment
Zone at the end of the Game (1 Objective Point). H-Logs -,Tohaa -
»»The enemy has not Captured your Beacon the end of the
game (3 Objective Points). H-Logs 3, Tohaa 3
H-logs 1, Tohaa -
H-Logs 5, Tohaa 4