Since I decided to breath some life back into this blog,
here is the first review of a few to come.
Today on the table: the relative quite fresh Containers from Laughing Jack Games...
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Laughing Jack Games Container |
1. Packaging
As all LJGs products and shipments, all has been wrapped up neatly with bubblefoil, further more the MDF sheets are hold together by a foil, is nice as well. If a company should send out the MDF sheet or just the parts can be discussed. I prefer this way more, since you can easily use the left overs for other terrain projects or the empty MDF sheets as spray stencils.
When LJG started to produce their terrain, their instruction sheets have been... let's say, a bit confusing. As you can see, they have put some real work into that, with some easy to follow and clear to understand instructions.
Nothing to mourn here...
2. Construction
Well... making little wood cubes isn't that hard, I have to admit, but there is one thing I would recommend...
The "walls" of the container are separately. Giving the containers a bit more dimension is one effect. The other is, you don't have to glue them in place. I found that really positive for the paint job. I simply didn't glue the lid in place and painted the wall apart from the "cage".As you can see, the containers are still colorfull, without being too bright on the table. The white of the walls gave them some sort of uniformity.
All in all, you get really fast a good amount of cubes together, no nicks, no nags.
3. Design
the thing that irritated me a bit, was that turn wheel. For the aesthetics in the Batman game totally fitting, but, I had the feeling, they felt a bout out of place for infinity. Therefore I simply left them away. There will surely be a better place to use them!A funfact, is that the ladder can actually be used (if you don't have too much going on on your bases...)
When you build these containers you can see that the lower side has also some texture. The cross beams are really cool looking (in case Hulk smashes them aside...) and have a great effect on the stability. I could help but test that a bit...
Nope, these are not all full... |
... but these are butting some serious weight on a rather little surface. |
Finally: the use. I bought these containers in the hope of getting something to go with the MagLev train. Since the containers from Terrakami are looking gorgeous as well, but being not sooo cheap... I was looking for an affordable alternative. Yes, until now I have used the paper thingies from the OP:Icestorm box, but honestly, I am no big fan of paper terrain.
To my delight, the containers fit no just so so, but they fit perfectly.
As you can see here, they not just fit perfect on the train but perfect next to each other. Even the small crates... here are the possible layouts.
Finally, it is quite obvious, but should be mentioned non the less... the stack great. In all kind of directions, which means, with the 3 compartment long container you can build a bridge. And they stack quite firm. So, no wobbly bobbly ground for your favourite sniper to stand on.
As you probably have noticed, I am a big fan.
4. Price
I have bought a Container Set and a pack of M-Containers for under 25€. Which is in my book a really fair price for what you get: a train full of containers, that even vary a bit in size. One should never compare and there is always some doing it cheaper, but if you look at what you get, the price is out of competition. If you want to stack your train with the original terrakami stuff and are looking not for the wooden boxes (that have so little texture, you can go back to the cardboard boxes) you are quite above that price.
What do you want more than affordable, good looking cargo containers?
5. Conclusion
What other can I say than: I am a fan of containers.
I love the container harbours in the region and can hardly keep my fingers from buying more and more containers (maybe this is an over compensation from all the skulls in my former gaming live?)
And here we got everything you want to have: Quick and easy to assemble, good looking and well thought through design meeting a fair price?
What else can I say then: If you are looking for containers, these are the ones you are looking for.
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